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Cafe Meetings

Today Jen and I got away for a change of scenery to do some work. We have a LOT to catch up on now that she's back.
We headed to my favorite coffee shop, I mentioned it a few posts back, and got'ta brainstorming.

Today we've been tackling a host of things . . .

For one, the Bridge the Nations website.

Here is a little sneak peak at the logo our friend Jeremy is doing for us!

He is SO awesome and talented and just happens to be the husband of my Best Friend!

So we're working on content and structure of the website.

Then we moved onto jewelry. We're working on new designs, wholesale and hosted parties. We have lots of fun ideas but there are a LOT of logistics involved!

(inspiration from one of our favorite websites)

Jen is Really excited to start working on jewelry as she has lots of ideas. I love brainstorming w/ her b/c it's really like her ideas just never run out! I don't know how she does it!

We also chatted about fundraising, marketing, emails, photos, videos . . . just a whole host of good stuff!

After a good 4 hours of meeting, we were quite hungry and headed to one of our favorite vegetarian places for dinner. And I think it was during dinner that I fully realized my overwhelmingly intense craving for baking something!

It was way past 5pm, so the bake shop we knew of was closed. But I was SO sure I had to bake, that we went in search for sugar, brown sugar and chocolate chips in town.

Here is a shot of a big market near our house. This is a fun place to go if you're in the mood for a market atmosphere, but not so fun if you are in a rush to get home.

But, we didn't find the sugar there. We checked 7-11 and no sugar there. We checked the Lotus Express and no sugar there. And then as we were about to give up, we remembered a small baking shop very close to our house that just might still be open.

This place is so small inside that no more than 1 person can fit in an "isle" at a time. But we ended up finding Everything we needed and then some!

So we headed home and I baked a very basic chocolate chip cookie recipe.

However . . . we noticed that the dough looked a little strange.

And it didn't taste like normal cookie dough. In fact, it wasn't very good.
But I went ahead and baked them to see how they'd turn out.

And they were quite strange indeed. They were really soft, like a strange spongy soft. And didn't have much flavor. And just felt weird even.

I tried even putting some Peanut Butter M&M's in there,

but it didn't do anything but ruin good peanut butter M&M's!

Trust me on this because I've had a LOT of chocolate chip cookies in my life!

Well, we scratched our heads for awhile and then we figured out what we believe to be the problem!
See this bag of brown sugar? It says "Natural Brown Sugar". And I'm pretty sure that's where our issue came in.

Though the research for our conclusion isn't substantial, the evidence speaks for itself-
Everyone knows a bad cookie when they meet it!

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