I was laying on my bed watching a movie. At first, it felt like someone was bumping into my bed, lightly shaking it. I knew I was home alone so that freaked me out a lot!
Then I sat up and realized that it was the building that was shaking! I immediately started to panic.
My first thought was- flashlight!! I need a flashlight for when the power goes out!
Despite the fact I keep one by my bed at all times, it took me for what felt like forever, to find it! (I actually found the one by Jen's bed faster!).
For some reason I had already decided that going to the 4th floor would be the safest place. That way, when the building collapsed, I would at least be on Top of all the debris.
It took me, again what felt like forever, to get upstairs and onto the 4th floor balcony. Stopping a few times to make sure it was the building shaking and not just me. I could feel my heart in my throat!
By the time I got up there, it had stopped. I looked out and saw everyone outside, looking around. And I saw the power lines shaking still.
I stood there a few moments just looking around. Mostly I was realizing what a horrible idea it was to head to the 4th floor! There is nothing to hold onto, nothing that would "save" me.
I went back inside and thats when terror REALLY hit me. I started to panic so much that I could barely breathe. And that was for 2 reasons: 1- I realized that I had NO plan and NO idea what to do. And 2- I thought this was the first one and that there was a much bigger one on it's way!
I immediately started running up and down the stairs to each floor trying to decide where the best place to hide would be. I really thought the "big one" was coming any second & just kept praying that I would find a good place before it did.
Of course I'm freaking out the entire time.
I made it back to my room where I gathered water and a flashlight. And then I waited.
And by waited, I mean bawled my eyes out and kept praying to God!
I decided to try and call Jen. In case something happened, I wanted her to know what was going on. After trying to get through like 10 times, I finally got a hold of her.
She could barely make out what was going on, I was crying so hard. But she managed to understand.
And she was so CALM!
I kept saying- how can you be calm?!? And to be honest, I kind of needed her to freak out a little. I needed to hear that 1- it was ok for me to be freaking out and 2- she was concerned for me.
But thankfully in Jen's grace and wisdom, she knew exactly what I needed was more important than what I wanted.
So she read me a Psalm. Psalm 121. And she prayed for me.
And she stayed on the phone with me for like half an hour as I stayed in the fetal position, crying and waiting for life to end.
But it didn't.
Finally I let her go and got online to find out what had happened. By now it had been about an hour since it all occurred.
I saw that what I felt was actually from "the big one" that hit in Burma an hour and 1/2 ago. I instantly felt better for myself because I knew I could stop waiting for it, that it had already happened. But I kept searching the news to try and find out the damage in Burma.
FINALLY Anne called me. (I had texted her the moment it happened). She was out having dinner w/ a friend and forgot her phone. She asked if I wanted to come stay with her. And that she would come right now and pick me up. She was worried b/c I'm home alone and in the city.
But I told her I was alright and had time to calm down already.
But if there is another one, that I'd be heading over.
Well- it was about 20 minutes later when the house started to shake again!!
At first, I sat up in my bed and took very deep breathes. I said 3 times, "It's ok Lord. It's ok Lord. It's ok Lord". Then, as my bed continued to shake, I said, "I'm packing a bag and going to Anne's!!"
And just as I grabbed my phone, Anne called! At the same time she asked, "Are you coming" I was saying, "I'm coming over!!"
In yet another crazy uncalm panic, I packed a bag and threw everything I could imagine I would need in there. I thought about if the building collapsed and what I would need to save. But since I'm on a motorbike, I had to be quite choosy.
Things I managed to remember to grab: Computer,Bible, Hard drive, clothes (my favorite tshirt incase it was the last one I ever wore), flashlight, purse.
I got 1/2 to her house and realized I didnt grab my passport. My only thought was- If something does happen, I will need that! Is it worth turning around for??
(Meanwhile, I'm driving like a maniac trying to get to her house as soon as possible and avoid any tremors while on the road!)
I turned around.
Things I grabbed on my 2nd trip back: Passport, Work Permit, Journal, piece of cake I had bought for Anne earlier that day as a surprise, entire camera bag w/ all my lenses.
I got to her house around midnight. We all talked about how freaked out we were and then I was finally in bed around 1am.
Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well.
Woke up, skyped w/ my parents to show them I was ok. Checked more news online to find out about the earthquake. And then headed downstairs.
I decided to make a huge breakfast for us to celebrate that we were still alive! I went to the 7-11 and bought all the makings for French Toast. We had a huge breakfast together and thanked God for life!!

Now it's been a few days since all this has happened. I stayed home by myself that 2nd night and really should have stayed at Anne's again. I was quite scared and had to pray myself to sleep. (Which worked quite well actually!! I prayed for God's peace and after about 5 mins of praying that, my anxiety totally went away and I had this peaceful feeling! I actually slept!)
I still don't have an easy feeling- like I still don't think it's over. Whatever it is. But I keep praying for God to keep us safe and for me to remember that I'm in His hands.
Like Psalm 121 says:
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Thanks to all of you who were praying for me!!
Steph! Oh my!! Jill said she loved this post, but I had no idea!! I laugh-cried the whole time! <3 glad you shared!! (so do you have an earthquake plan in place now??)
ReplyDeleteoh man, I read this to the entire office I am working at. I am glad you are alive... thank you for the serious yet funny update.