Well, I just left Jen at the airport. She is flying once again to America! Her schedule has been NUTZ this year!!
Teen Mania is flying her in so she can be the "Project Director" (leader) of the team that's coming here this summer. Great for her b/c she gets free flights! ;)
So she'll be gone for 11 days and then head back here w/ 12 teenage volunteers that will be here till Aug 1st.
We have lots of different things planned for them while they are here.
They'll be teaching a lot of English. They'll also be learning some Thai culture. They'll be helping w/ some service projects & hopefully helping us clean up the land where we'll start our Orphanage in Oct!! (there will be more details in the future on that!)
We'll be going to different providence's while they are here also: Sankapang for 2 weeks- teaching English and also having a medical clinic, Phayao for a week, Chiang Rai for a week, Burma/Laos for 1-2 days & then finally to Chiang Mai (where we live) for their last 2 weeks.
It's gonna be nutty! But fun :)
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