It’s a new day! “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Ps 118:24).
Lately our hearts have been heavy, ever since we returned back to Thailand. Steph and I both know this is where God wants us but I struggle with my purpose. And with some very difficult circumstances going on here, it has made both of us struggle even more. I have been praying a lot and asking God to guide my steps and asking for a lot of wisdom. This morning God spoke to me and after talking it over later with Steph, she confirmed that God is revealing to her similar things as well.
I realize I have been behaving like an Israelite. I praised God when He Wow'ed us by providing in amazing ways just like when the Israelites praised God in His miraculous deliverance from the Egyptians and through the Red Sea. But in coming back to Thailand I have grumbled and complained when things aren’t going the way I think they should be going- just as the Israelites complained that God was leaving them in the wilderness to die without water & food.
But what God showed me today is that the difficult circumstances we have facing us is just an opportunity for God to show up and do BIG things. I serve a God of the impossible! Do I only trust God when things are going well? Today I choose to trust God in all circumstances!
In the book “Crazy Love” there is a question asked of “what are you doing right now that requires faith”? Well, I moved my life to Thailand, yet I am not living with the fullness of faith that is needed. This is not just a choice about the ministry I work with and choosing to believe God will do great things. It’s more than that. It’s about my life. Will I give up when things get tough? Or will I expect God to deliver?
I choose to believe my God is all-powerful and Sovereign!
So today is a new day. I choose to live by faith!
Psalm 31:14
“But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.”
It's been a while since you wrote this, but I'm curious how things are going and how you've been encouraged ..and how He's been revealing himself to you both!! We need this faith wherever we are in whatever we're doing when we're living for Him!! Thanks for spurring me on... I pray you're blessed with His presence and encouragement!! Love you lots!