Where do I start . . .
Well, last Sunday Anne, Joy and I went to Airport Plaza (the big mall here) because Care For Dogs (a rescue shelter) was having an adoption day. We only wanted to go see and play with the dogs, since we are all dog lovers.
Within 5 minutes of being there, Anne and Joy spotted and fell in love with a small tan dog named Goldie. 45 minutes later, we were Still there with Goldie in Anne’s lap and Joy taking pictures of her.
Knowing Anne and Joy well, I could see them holding back tears because of the fact that they cant have another dog right now. Currently- Anne has 2 dogs which live at Joy’s house. Then on top of that Joy has 2 dogs PLUS now two strays that have started coming around and she has adopted them as well. That brings their total up to 6 dogs!
Anne cant have a dog at her apartment, so until next April, Joy is keeping her dogs for her. And well, with 6 dogs, that’s more than enough at Joy’s house!
So I’m watching them love her and want her so bad. And then they hear that someone else is interested in her and I see their hearts crush.
I had a talk with Anne and she asked if I’d like to keep “Goldie” for 8 months till she could have her.
I thought about it and thought about it and thought about it.
I have recently figured out that I actually Don’t want a dog and I’m so peaceful with that decision. And the thought of having a dog kinda makes me a little bummed out.
But I could see how much they loved her. And she REALLY is a sweet, sweet dog. So I thought- well . . . I guess I could try it out. Who knows- maybe I’ll really love it!
And 10 minutes later we were walking away with a 4 month old, 8lb, untrained puppy named Goldie.
Now it’s been 2 full days and I’m wondering to myself- WHAT have I gotten myself into?!?!
Day one was pretty stressful. She peed in the house 3 times!!! And two of those times were in the downstairs coffee shop that I don’t own! And both of those 2 times were immediately after we came in from a 45 minute walk wherein she did nothing but smell and eat everything on the ground.
Day two has been a lot better. She can actually RIDE on the motorcycle with me! She loves it! She’s actually a little TOO relaxed and starts falling asleep sometimes. Today I bought a special little bag they make- kind of like a Kangaroo pouch- that you put the dog in while you ride. She loved it and did great in it.
She sleeps a lot, which is nice. I guess cause she is a puppy?? She sleeps more than ½ the day.
She’s actually Very polite. She sits in front of you and just looks up at you. When strangers walk by, she’s all excited and if they give her attention, she sits and looks up at them. She’s learning to “sit” on command pretty quickly.
Day 2 is almost over and so far NO accidents in the house! She even “told” me this morning that she had to go out again, after we had gotten back in. And low-and-behold, she actually DID have to go!! A #2 at that! SO glad I wasn’t cleaning that up in the house!
Jen is in the jungles of Panama right now- so she has no clue about all of this. Not sure if she’ll see it on Facebook first or not. Also not sure how she’s going to react . . . So feel free to pray about that! But I think if I can have her housetrained before Jen gets here, it’ll be a lot easier for her to love her.
So- we obviously couldn’t keep her name as Goldie! Come on! So we were tossing around all kinds of silly names all day when we got her. And we finally all agreed (because she has 4 moms and we all share her!) on the name Naam Waan. In Thai it means “water sweet” – so Sweet Water is her name.
It’s very different having a dog in Thailand than it is in US. Thai dogs are just . . . different. They are extremely independent and scavengers by nature. Quite stubborn as well. I’m not sure how long Naam Waan lived on the streets or how she came to the shelter. But it’s taking some training for her with the leash and with me leading her.
There are also TONS of ticks everywhere in this country. So she is covered in them- even after we took her to the groomers. It’s only $3 to do that here, and I guess for $3 they don’t get all the ticks off. Lucky for her, her mommy #2 (Anne) loves picking ticks off dogs! Good for Anne cause I cant handle it!
So . . . that’s Naam Waan’s story thus far. I’m still a little undecided about if I even want a dog. A little late though I think . . .
While Jen’s been gone, I’ve really been enjoying my “me” time. And since I’ve had Naam Waan, that “me” time is out the window!! I haven’t worked out since I’ve gotten her and haven’t had time to do meal planning or pre-cooking . . . Work has also been very crazy busy and I haven’t been home much. So I think a combo of all that was adding to me being stressed out about it all.
I think she deserves a fair chance and some time for us to get to know each other better. So stay tuned for more stories and funny pictures- because she is a Funny dog!!
Here is a pic of her sleeping in the floor as I type this blog post.

Here are pics that Joy took before we adopted her.

I'm pretty sure Anne and Joy were conspiring to try and make me fall in love with her by making me pose with her and showing me how "great" she was! hahahaha! All these pics were before we made any decisions!
She is so funny- she loves to sit up like this, like a person. Even sitting on the bike, she sits w/ her butt on the seat and her hind legs out in front of her!

She loves to snuggle and sleep in your arms

and she LOVES giving kisses! she'll put her paws on your face- one on each of your cheeks and then kiss you Right on the mouth!

Of course I love her.. And seeing your joy with her only increases that fact!! Love you lots!!