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Kitchen Experiments

I would like to thank my good friend Michelle for having such a fun and interesting food blog!

As someone who doesn't really love to cook because she's intimidated by it- I am really enjoying reading her blogs and even experimenting some myself!

I've even been looking at other food blogs and I especially love the ones that have great photos of each step! Very helpful for a non-cooker like me!

This weekend, I decided to try 2 recipes that Michelle had posted that sounded both healthy and interesting!

Kale Chips & Roasted Garbanzo Beans

For both of these, I didn't have exactly the right ingredients, but I got creative and made it work. Apparently there are different kinds of Kale in foreign countries!

The Kale here is actually a lot thinner and I burnt the little suckers. But I could still make out what they were kind of suppose to taste like and I liked it!

Here are my beans- the next day. Still pretty good. I couldn't eat a whole can in one sitting, so I tossed the rest in some Tupperware and hoped for the best. Not too bad.

A new challenge I've given myself is to try and flavor my food with non-caloric seasonings, like cinnamon, lemon juice or pepper. Rather than slathering on calorie-laden condiments like BBQ sauce, mayo and yes- even peanut butter! (I could write a book on 101 Ways to Use Peanut Butter!)
So I'm finding these Food Blogs to be great sources of inspiration and creativity. I'm excited for Jen to come back and for me to try some of these recipes on her!

Here are two dishes I made a few weeks ago and was really proud of- Egg White French Toast w/ Blueberry & Honey Syrup and a Chicken/Tomato thing.

Since I've been trying to lose weight and generally live a healthier lifestyle for the past 2 months- I've eaten very little Thai food. But as a direct result of that, I have also lost over 6 inches and 10lbs in 2 months!
I've had to make some adjustments to the grocery budget- moving some money from the eating out budget. But I'm a happier (and thinner) gal because of it!

And on a totally different level . . . these Food Blogs make me want to be a better blogger! I know many of you only read this blog b/c you are friends or family of ours. You don't really read it b/c of it's clever one-liners and captivating writing styles.
But I want you to be entertained. I want you to actually enjoy reading this and maybe even laugh out loud a few times in the process (or perhaps shed a tear- depending on the subject matter, of course).

So, I'm also taking on another challenge- to make this blog more entertaining, clever and fun to read.
I can, of course, only assume what you will find entertaining by weighing that against what I find entertaining. And I know all too well that those two views couldn't be more different!
Jen is a constant reminder of that to me when her response to 90% of my side-splitting jokes is, "I don't get it".
So a challenge, in deed, this will be!

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