Cool bike I saw

Shady massage place- check out the hours of operation!

College campus church we are building. Everyone came today for a time of prayer and updates

Joy treated Anne and I to some Starbucks goodies! I went w/ the Blueberry Muffin

This is a little coffee stand in someones front yard! They do this a lot here actually! Free rent! There is also a pizza lady and an ice cream lady in this neighborhood!

Next few pics are from my commute to the office- just stuff on the road and traffic

My Honda :)

Got sunburned driving around

Yummm!! Lived here a year before I realized there was a Subway here!!!

What kind of advertisement is this?!

Where we got our bikes- I had to drop it off to get the tires fixed and it cleaned up. The tires went flat while we were in the states

My dad has a bike like this :)

Tuk-tuks lined up at Sunday Market to take people home

Why do people think this is ok anywhere other than a pool or beach?!

Joy and Anne and I went to MK Restaurant. You cook your own food in boiling water and make a soup out of it all

Joy mixin' it all in

Veggie plate

You can get anything from Pig Liver to Fish Heads at this place! The menu actually made me gag, so Anne and Joy ordered for me!! Good ole chicken for me!

The MK pot

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