Bought the new fridge today. There were so many to choose from!

In the end, the red color won over the bigger freezer.
Waiting now for someone to come pick up the old fridge. They said they'd be here at 9:30pm, which in Thai Time is about 10:30pm.

(old fridge before they came to get it)
I've been trying to eat as much of the food in the fridge as I can so it doesn't go bad. I've had some very interesting concoctions!
(next day)

The new fridge is in! whoo-hoo! I think it looks great! And it's really excited to meet Jen!
Hair Thoughts:
I'm trying to grow my hair out. If you know me, you know what a painful process this is for, not only myself, but for all those around me. And not having a decent hairdresser here is really killing me.
So I've been trying to be more creative w/ my hair- doing more than just a bandanna. It's finally long enough that I can wear a hat now. So I tried that look out today. I kinda liked it.
(Pretty sure I've seen on tv that if you aren't a girly-girl and wear a hat, you need to dress up a little more than a sloppy t-shirt, so I did my best. Even put on blush!)
I need some ideas of how to cut my hair though. I still want it short- but like a longer short than I've had in the past. Ideas??
Miracle Thoughts:
So I'm joining my sister in praying for a miracle. Extreme Home Makeover is coming to SC! And we are *secretly* entering my parents for the show!!!
You know how they usually pick someone who has like 80 kids or works full time at a soup kitchen or something like that.
Well, my parent's don't have a story like that. BUT they are the most generous people I've ever met in my life! All of our friends growing up were always telling us how amazing our parents were and everyone always wanted to stay at our house for sleepovers.
We constantly had someone living in our house that was down on their luck. Or a friend who had abusive parents.
My parents always give and give and give to us out. Yet, their house is falling down all around them! We're scared b/c it's a total fire hazard and full of sickly mold!
(just one of the holes in the ceiling- this is a broom keeping the hole "closed")

Will you please join us in praying for God's Favor for them??? It would be a HUGE answer to prayer for Heather as well, as this was all her idea.
Jen Thoughts:

It's kind of hard to believe that Jen gets back in just 2 weeks! Perhaps even harder to believe that I made it this long w/o going crazy, starving to death or sinking into a month long coma from perpetual snooze hitting.
I am extremely excited for her to be back! I've been planning for the past month how I'll have the house all cleaned, her sheets fresh and smelling good, a yummy breakfast made . . .
Well, maybe I wont actually cook the breakfast, but we'll sure go somewhere yummy!
I'm also excited for her to be back because she is kind of my Motivational Coach. And I miss having that around!
Coffee Thoughts:
Before I moved to Thailand, I had 1-2 cups of coffee a week on average. It was more of a special treat than a life necessity.
However, after living in Thailand for a year and working with people that drink 2-3 cups a day, I'm sad to say that I have become an almost daily drinker.
The days I don't have coffee are often spent mostly daydreaming about coffee and convincing myself that I don't want nor need a coffee.
99% of the coffee here is straight up espresso. Then, depending on your taste: add some milk for a latte or cappuccino or some hot water for an Americano.

But if you like your coffee iced: take that espresso and mix it with 1 part sweetened condensed milk, 1 part carnation canned sweetened milk and a family-secret-recipe sugar-water-concoction- and you're set for the day!!

You can get coffee pretty much everywhere here. There are vendors on the street that sell it for as cheap as $0.30 a cup (This is Thai coffee that you are buying and is at least 80% pure sugar).
There are legit coffee shops lined in rows on every street selling coffee for about $1.50 a cup.
And then there are of course your more prestigious coffee shops, like Starbucks and Wawee. Wawee is like the Starbucks of Thailand. There are 2 or 3 within just a few blocks of each other! But their coffee will run you more like $2.50 a cup.

And there are sooooo many kinds of canned coffee as well. I do actually enjoy the Nescafe canned coffees as they are just at 90 calories each and taste yummy!

Well, that's all my thoughts for the day. Whew, do I feel better after getting all that off my chest!
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