Past Posts


Update from Jen's Panama/US Trip

I wanted to write a short update from my trip to the US and to Panama (well it was short when I first started writing :). I thought it had been too long to do an update but Stephanie thinks I should do it anyways. So I guess better late than never. :)

My trip to the US as you know was unplanned and was very short notice. But it was an answer to prayer as I was blessed with a plane ticket to not only lead a missions trip to Panama for Teen Mania, but to also to be in my good friend, Stacy Long’s wedding. On top of both of those incredible blessings I had some extra time that I got to spend with family and friends as well as work on the changing over of our ministry to Bridge the Nations. God is so faithful! So I will share just a few pictures and stories from my trip.

Stacy’s Wedding:

It was my great honor to be in my friend's wedding! God performed many miracles not only for me to get here but also for the groom's mom and best man to be able to come to the wedding. God continues to wow me with how He cares about all the details of our lives!

All the Bridesmaids with the beautiful Bride! You can check out Stacy's Facebook to see all her photos.

Panama Trip:

Just a few snapshots of my Panama trip. You can see more on my facebook or a lot more on the GE facebook page

Beautiful mountains in Panama where one of our villages was located.

Our ladies doing a Bible study with the Kuna women. These women were amazing! We got to sing with them, they dressed us up in their outfits, and they showered us with gifts at the end. There were definitely lots of tears when we were leaving!

We slept in the villages with the Kuna Indians and slept in hammocks. They are comfortable for about an hour. You sink into your little cocoon each night.

One of the children's services with lots of kiddos. We had an incredible response in this village.

Me with a big snake on our free day excursion. I have to admit I was a little nervous but figured when am I ever going to have a snake around my neck again so I went for it. Well at least I hope I never have another snake around my neck. :(

Quick Story from my trip:
I am so thankful that God gave me this trip to Panama! My co-leader and I led a team of 67 people to the jungles and islands of Panama. We saw many people who found hope in choosing to follow Christ and we saw our All-Powerful God perform many amazing miracles! It was an exhausting trip emotionally as I poured everything I could into it but God revealed much to me on this trip. I loved diving deep into the lives of the students on the trip and I had some really great opportunities.

On the evening of the last day of ministry in one of the villages our team was in a church service, and one of the girls came to me and asked if she could talk to me. We went outside and she began sharing how she didn't think she knew the Lord personally. Her parents were Christians, but before she came she had done something to break their trust and it made her realize how she was living a hypocritical life. The problem is that she didn't think she wanted to follow Christ because she didn't want to lose all of her friends and be put down in school. After a long talk, I knew she wasn't ready to make a decision, but I prayed for her that God would not let her sleep that night until she had heard from Him personally. A couple of days later she came to me and shared how she couldn't sleep that night and remembering my prayer she decided to open her Bible and start reading. She said the girl sleeping in the hammock next to her whispered to ask what she was doing up and she said she was reading her Bible. So this other girl sat up, turned on her flashlight and they began reading the Bible together and discussing it. She told me with joy how God had spoke to her that night and that she had decided that she wanted to follow Him no matter the cost.

Being in Thailand, God has taught me so much about the importance of discipleship. But in Thailand it is difficult for us to disciple Thais with the language and the culture barriers so it's better if Thais disciple Thais. But God used this opportunity in Panama and many more to speak to me about my passion for discipleship and to help teach people how to know God in a deeper more personal way and to understand the purpose God has for them. After the trip, 3 girls asked me to mentor them and another girl asked if I would help her on some accountability issues. It has been a challenge to do this long-distance but it's just another ministry opportunity that God has given me here. So now I have skype dates with these girls.

Time with Friends/Family in US:

Mom and Me

Kelly, Dad, and Me

At my brother's football game (he's the QB for the freshman team) with my Granny and Uncle David.

Great time in Atlanta visiting my niece, sister-in-law, and brother. We went to the Georgia Aquarium and the World of Coca-Cola. Her sense of humor keeps me cracking up!

Had a blast visiting friends too! Rangers game with my good friend Page! Rangers won!
(By the way this is also the game where the guy fell 30 fell to the seats below and the game paused for at least 20 minutes as they were giving medical attention to this guy. It was neat to see some of the players instantly drop to their knees praying. It was quite horrifying as I can still see him falling. Praise the Lord he was okay with the people below breaking his fall.)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome recap, Jen!! Love your heart and to hear how God's using you (and the trip to Panama!)

    ......we went to the GA Aquarium a while back, and I thought it was Amazing!!! times!!

    Love you both so very much! Pray God multiplies the work of your hands and blesses you in every way!!! <3
