They came here to get footage and pictures of an organization they have partnered with in rescuing orphans & abused and sexually trafficked kids.
*Link to their website about this issue*
So my good friend & professional photographer, Janice:
has worked with LOI for like, ever, and she let me tag along as her photo assistant! What an amazing opportunity!!
To find an opportunity like this would usually cost you $1,000's of dollars. But she let me have this photography chance of a lifetime for the small price of: a head rub =)
So, I got to spend a few days with them and learn how they do things in the Big Professional world.
We then joined up with an organization here in Thailand who has been around for 6 years, rescuing children and orphans.
For protection of the kids- I don't have the names or any pics of the kids in their rescue home. Some of them are still being looked for, so we take their protection Very seriously.
So here are pics from my 3 days with them and the story of what we did. It was heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time:
First we went to visit the home where they have like 60 kids living. But their dream for the future is for 1,000's of kids to live in their safe, Christian home.
Here the kids are praying over the LOI staff and donors that came.
We had a big Dedication to this these new buildings you see. This is just phase 1 of their huge dream for this place.
Here is Jeanne Rogers doing a video for LOI to show later. The kids were in the background singing as she video'd
Jeanne & a newborn baby of one of the House Mothers
We were DEEP into the Hilltribes of Thailand. Look how much mud is on that tire!
Way up in the Hilltribe mountains. The team headed here to do outreach and teach awareness of sex traffickers. The Hilltribe areas are targeted because they are poorer and less educated. They come promising jobs in the city and then force the kids into slavery.
Beautiful children in this village
Janice doing one of the things she does best! I'm so thankful to have gotten to learn from her!
More taping on the field- explaining about the situations here.
The scenery is so beautiful!
I love how they tie their kids to their back like that!
Beautiful faces
She was a doll! It makes me so angry to imagine someone doing something to her!
Playing games with the kids before they teach them about prevention
Parents watching and listening too
They brought gifts/snacks to hand out to everyone who came.
Janice figured she'd get better shots ON the car rather than in it =) This is just one of the reasons why I love her!
Doing her thing
Quick pose
I opted to stay inside since I was just a visitor. But dont think for a second that I'm not already working out the details in my head for our next roadtrip!
So I cant give any details of the actual rescue, but this is one of the children we picked up. There was a family of a few kids. (as you can see, her face isnt showing). Her pants wouldnt stay up so Jeanne finally figured out how to fix them w/ a safety pin.
After we picked up the kids, we headed to a different location to do the filming. These poor kids were very dirty and hungry, but it seemed like they knew where they were going was going to be a much better place.
They were living w/ a very drunk and old grandfather. And anytime he got close to the littlest one, she would run away from him. I'm so thankful for the tip this team received to come get these kids. Their parents passed away already so they only had their grandfather and grandmother to take care of them. But after the rescue team assessed the situation, they knew it wasnt a good place for them to be.
A strange looking fellow walking around the village
Walking through the village
Walking past a very typical Thai house
Janice inside the Thai house taking pics
Now we have arrived back to the rescue home and the rescued kids are meeting the rest of the kids for the first time. It was so amazing to watch how all the other kids just welcomed them with open arms! The new kids were scared at first, but once they felt all that love, had their bellies full of great food and were tucked in with love into their new beds- they felt right at home!
Me and Jeanne needed some coffee to keep us going. We had 5am morning calls and were in bed late each night. It was a rough but very rewarding trip!
Got to have lunch with Janice before she flew out. She blessed us so much and I'm so thankful for her letting me tag along!!
wow. amazing!!!!!!! love you. glad you got to work with janice and see LOI in action.... Very glad you shared!!