What a year!!
So, now me.
I've been here all year. I'm heading home for a visit in end April-May.
And that's about it. ;)
In other news:
The coffee shop is a BLAST!!

I'm testing out waffle recipes tonight to put on the menu. I made: Plain, Vanilla, Lemon & Blueberry, Cinnamon, and then Chocolate Chip. Can you say, YUMMMM?!? (And by "yum" of course I mean "why are my pants getting tight?")
With Bridge the Nations, we're staying pretty busy.
We have 2 young girls (15 years old) that are working with us through the summer.
They attend a Buddhist Government boarding school and it's now on break for the summer.
Their teacher approached us during our jewelry project there and asked us if we could help these two girls.
Apparently they have been sexually abused by their fathers back home and with the summer break coming, they didn't want to go home and back into that situation. :(
Their teacher knows that we have Discipleship Homes (safe homes that we have college aged students live for free so they can attend university when otherwise wouldn't be able to afford living expenses) & they asked us if we'd be willing to help these two girls.
Of course we were very happy to help them have a safe place to live during the summer!! So we've been having them work in the office with the girls each day.
They are learning to operate the coffee shop- cleaning, making coffee, making breakfast & speaking English with customers (the other day I heard them in the kitchen practicing with each other asking in English what they'd like to order!).
They are also learning how to make jewelry.
They have now been with us for 2 weeks and they told Anne that they wished school would never start again! They love living in the home w/ these older girls who have become like big sisters to them & they love working at the office and coffee shop :) They are such sweet, amazing girls!

Nong, one of the girls, got saved a few months ago through Anne building relationship with her during our jewelry project at her school. Anne did some bible teaching and mentoring to different girls there and Nong is one of them that prayed to receive Christ.

Baw, the other girl, isn't a Christian. But just 2 nights ago at the Care Group that they have each week at the Discipleship Home, Baw heard the message of Christ decided to become a Christian!!
God is at work!!
We have lots of other projects coming up too . . . Burma Medical Clinic, another Medical Clinic, opening up a new girls Discipleship Home, still working with the government of starting an orphanage for boys, also working on starting a new Discipleship Home for boys, jewelry wholesale orders . . . just to name a few ;)
So just wanted to share some updates with you.
Jen is doing a lot of traveling, so please keep her in your prayers!
I'm suppose to fly through Japan when I fly home, so I'm waiting to see what happens with that. Please be praying for Japan as well!!
Hope everyone out there is doing well! Email us sometime!
Good stuff!!! Awesome about Nong & Baw!!! <3