Dear friends in the Hippie Community:
Why do you think it's ok to walk around barefoot in the city of Chiang Mai? Just because it's Thailand doesn't mean you shouldn't wear shoes! It's still a city!
These streets are NASTY! Do you have any clue how many homeless dogs roam these streets and poop and pee on every square inch?!
Do you have any clue how many rats I see running around?
Do you have any idea how many HUGE cockroaches there are living on the streets?
You are nasty. Put some shoes on.
Dear Shirtless Hippies,

Do you see a beach anywhere near here?
Did someone steal your shirt?
Do you actually think people want to look at you shirtless (this comment is directed more to the Men-over-50-club)
You did not just climb out of a pool or jump off your surfboard.
That's all I have to say about Hippies in Thailand.
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