But now that I'm in my 30's (a sentence that you never consider uttering until it's actually happening and then you are still a little unnerved when you hear it), I'm starting to look around with a slightly panic'd look and thinking to myself, Am I doing this right?!
Well, regardless at how well I am or am not doing this 30's thing, it's happening.
And this year will be my 3rd birthday I celebrate in Thailand. Kind of crazy! Typing that sentence out I actually first said 2nd bday. But then the more I thought about it, I realized it will be my 3rd!!
So 2 years ago, for my 30th bday, here is a picture from the day Jen and I celebrated. I was MUCH fatter and much less informed about life in Thailand than I am today. Thankful that both of those facts have changed!
(eating a Crape, which incidentally is pronounced "crape" in Thai. In case you were wondering.)
And then the following a year, a much thinner and somewhat more informed Stephanie celebrated her 31st bday.

And now we sit here, just 6 days away from my 32nd bday here in Thailand. I am (again, thankfully) a bit more healthier, much more informed and much more aware at how much I don't know!

When you live in Thailand, your idea of a great bday gift changes a bit. This year I am treating myself to a new helmet! Exciting, I know. But I finally have a helmet that
1- is DOT approved
2- actually fits & doesn't fly around on my head when it's windy out or if I'm driving over 20mph and
3- covers my face enough that the wind doesn't turn my contacts into dusty dry discs that I have to pry out of my eyes by the end of the day!
Really, it's the simple things in life!
In celebrating my 32nd bday, I'm also celebrating the amazing friendship that I'm blessed to have with Jennifer Blackwood as we live, work & serve together here in Thailand.
I've been going through some pics of Jen and I and here are a few of my faves:
In the Philippines last November
Our Christmas trip to the southern islands of Thailand with Anne and Joy
Also from our Christmas trip last year
In Japan last year, thuggin'

New Years night 2010, at an Italian restaurant with Anne, Joy and Klaus
And I'll leave you with one of my favorite things to see in Thailand! Dogs on bikes!! It never gets old! I was driving behind him and then drove up next to him to get you a better shot.
Seriously, these dogs are SO chill!

And this pic I shared back in '09 but I just love it!!

Happy Birthday month to me =)
Happy birthday month ,u is just a baby