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Why we dont leave our helmets outside anymore . . .

This mornings' incident has ended the era of us leaving our motorbike helmets outside.

We were headed out to school this morning, normal routine. Leaving the house, I had my helmet on and noticed that it felt a little different. On the left side, it seemed to be bunched up or something in the lining. I felt it with my finger as I was driving and something I rubbed made a weird "squeak" sound. I thought, that was weird, but I kept driving.

So we get to the end of our neighborhood, where we have to turn out and I stopped to look both ways. And just as I started to pull out, I felt something MOVE in my helmet!! I started to freak out! I hit the brakes and started screaming- "get my helmet off!! Get my helmet off!!". Well Jen, who was on the back of the bike, had NO clue what was happening! She only knew that I was screaming something and in the process of trying to get my helmet off, the bike was falling over on her. I don't know if you saw the pictures, but she got burnt on the tailpipe a few weeks ago- and her leg is JUST now starting to be healed. So she starts freaking out because the bike is falling on her and that hot tailpipe is headed her way! Well, she manages to catch the bike and I finally rip my helmet off and throw it into the road. Then I jump off the bike and start doing the "Icky-creepy" dance and screaming and running around. Jen STILL doesn't know what's happening.

I say- there is something in my helmet!!! I felt it move!! Irritated (because the bike is in the middle of the road, as are we, I almost dropped the bike on her, and I'm dancing around like an idiot) she walks over and picks up my helmet. She begins to inspect it, looking at me with disgust, then looks back down at the helmet and SCREAMS as she tosses it Back into the road! "there's definitely something in there!!" I'm dying at this point to know what it is! I start imagining all these horrible horrible things! She says, I saw it's leg!! Well, she gets brave enough to go back to the helmet and start banging it on the ground. As we're doing this, we notice that we have drawn quite a large crowd of Thai observers! They are all whispering, pointing and laughing to each other!

By the 4th bang, our creature has been set free. We jumped back as it fell out of the helmet. It was a Huge Toad!!!! Ahhhh!! It was sooooo gross!!! We were crying by this time. Partly from laughing so hard and partly from being so disgusted! We had a few people driving by stop to make sure we were ok. They thought we had had an accident or something!! No, we're fine- just a frog in the helmet!!

I made Jen wear my helmet the rest of the way to school and I wore hers. I refused to put mine back on!

From now on, the helmets stay Inside!

Here are pictures of my little friend


  1. Ewwww! Um, I sooo would have done the same thing!!!

  2. Laughing really hard. Just read to Natalie and my in-laws.

  3. MICHELLE HOLSWORTHMay 3, 2009 at 12:35 AM

    LOL!!!! HAHA

  4. I would have been crying too!!!!! I am just glad it wasn't a mouse or something that could have bit you!

  5. I only wish I could have been there to witness it!! ..glad you shared! (love you dearly!)<3
