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Penning in Pencil

Something I have grown to learn about living in this culture is that everything will always change.

Everything. Always.

I realized that I was finally starting to learn this lesson, when I noticed that I no longer write in pen. Everything I write on my calendar is in pencil. This is due to the fact that I was running through a bottle of whiteout a week!
So from now on, I write only in pencil.

I also noticed that when we set up to do something weekly- like a meeting for example- I only put it on my calendar for one month. Even if it's something we'll say we'll continue doing.
One month of consistency is pretty safe. But anything beyond that, we're pulling out the eraser or printing a new calendar.

I've also learned to tell people- we'll see, rather than instantly committing to something. "Hey, want to come join us next Wednesday for a group activity?" Ummm- we'll see. Write it in pencil and then see what happens. Chances are you'll show up and it got canceled or moved locations or time . . . and everyone but you got the memo.

I've also stopped arriving early to things. After about a year of not only being the only Early person, but also being the Only person on time- I'm finally learning my lesson. If its going to start at 4, do your best to be there at 4. But bring a book or something to do for 20 minutes and don't even bother getting there early. You'll fry in the heat and be tired and irritated by the time people actually do show up.

Being a natural born planner, these new concepts and lessons have been hard for me. But living in a totally different culture offers so many new learning opportunities :)

1 comment:

  1. I've gotta say, it sounds a lot like the South to me! I am also a planner and when I moved South of the Mason Dixon line I had to learn a whole new way of thinking....
    It's not easy, but do-able!
