I've been learning a lot of little life lessons along the way.
I have amazing friends in Thailand that are so sacrificial and loving!
Driving home last week, at night, in the cold rain, on the bikes, had the dog.
My two Thai friends drove all the way to my house for me to follow to make sure I didn't get lost. They had NO rain gear and held Naam Waan for me and used their jacket to keep her covered.
When we arrived, they were Soaked to the bone! Naam Waan was dry As a bone and sound asleep!
They are sacrificial and I have so much to learn from this culture!
Today is a Thai holiday so no office work today. I'm going to use the day to get some "to-do" things done.
Such as:
-getting my bicycle flat tires fixed
-Skyping with my mom and dad (check)
-paying the internet bill
-getting my legs waxed (have I mentioned its only $9!!)
-returning some rented movies (Dear John, Alice in Wonderland & Casablanca)
-and possibly heading to the mall to check something out
Jen is back in the Panama jungles this week. So please keep her in your prayers! She's had a little stomach flu for the past few days and has been feeling a little weak. On top of only getting an average of 4 hours of sleep a night, she could use your prayers! =)
Other than that- she is LOVING her trip and having a blast with the kiddos!
So . . . I'm growing my hair out. Attempting it anyways. This will be my 3rd or 4th attempt in the past 10 years to grow my hair out. And, well, I think we all know how those passed attempts went- seeing as how I Still have short hair.
But when someone said to me- "that's your signature look", I thought to myself- it's time for a change!
And I realized that I've had short hair now for 10 years!! Can you believe it?! I still remember the fear and trembling of when I first got it cut! It was at a barbers shop (had no clue what I was doing!) with a Parrot and a Nautical theme. The lady was really nice though and told me I wasn't allowed to cry b/c she couldn't put it back on once it was off!
So- now we have attempt #4. Or perhaps #5 . . . I cant remember.
Here is my first attempt at fixing it.

But 99% of the time I wear my bandanna.
I might as well because 1- I can here. 2- it's a lot faster and easier. 3- there aren't a lot of "cute" stages when you are growing your hair out. 4- I wear a helmet everyday on the bike and helmet hair is NOT cute.
I've started a new book. There are so many used bookstores around here so I thought I'd pop into one yesterday and see if they had any Terry Pratchett. I guess a lot of Thailand travelers read TP because they had about 15 of his books!
I've only read two other ones of his to date, but my dad has read almost all of them.
He's quite funny and clever and more often than not, over my head. But I enjoy it still.
The first character you meet in this book is Death. He has a very tidy desk with a few papers, tons of hour glasses and one coffee mug. The coffee mug has a Teddy Bear on it with the words, Worlds Best Grandfather and contains tea with lemon.
Great stuff I tell ya!

So there are a lot of thoughts going around in my head about my future. I'd like to invite you to pray for me about it all. I'm seeking God's direction and leading and trying not to let my own emotions cloud that judgment. Decisions are still a long way off, but I'm a planner! ;)
Well I suppose I better get started with my day. Thanks for caring about the random updates of my life!
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