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I should have stayed in bed all day!

Well, today has been quite exciting . . .

We ran out of money while paying the employee's for jewelry today. We totally underestimated how much they'd finish this week! Thankfully Anne and I had some personal money we could throw in.

Then on my drive home, it POURED down rain. And despite my full-body plastic suit I wear (yeah, not cute!), I was totally soaked by the time I got home. Not real sure how that happened.

Then- in my attempt to clean out the freezer- which fill up with so much ice you cant even fit food into it- I punctured something and LOTS of hissing started happening and something I can only imagine is like freon started coming out.
I'm pretty sure I just ruined the freezer part, but did I ruin the whole fridge?!?

**UPDATE** Just did some research online and thanks to Yahoo Answers, I will now be getting ready to go fridge shopping! :(

It's only 5pm and I still have a few more hours left to this day. I'm going to try and just sit still so nothing else happens!

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